出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 82*60*8cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 二十四孝图 | |
作品描述 | 八、卖身葬父董永,相传为东汉时期千乘(今山东高青县北)人,少年丧母,因避兵乱迁居安陆(今属湖北)。其后父亲亡故,董永卖身至一富家为奴,换取丧葬费用。上工路上,于槐阴下遇一女子,自言无家可归,二人结为夫妇,女子以一月时间织成三百匹锦缎,为董永抵债赎身,返家途中,行至槐阴,女子告诉董永:自己是天帝之女,奉命帮助董永还债。言毕凌空而去。因此,槐阴改名为孝感。Selling Himself to Bury the FatherAccording to tales, Dong Yong is born in Donghan Dynasty in Qiansheng (now in Shandong Province). His mother died when he was still a child. Because of wars he moved to Anlu (Now in Hubei Province), where his father left him too. Dong sold himself to a rich family so that he could get money to bury and build a grave for his father. On his way to work he encountered a girl under a locust tree. The girl acclaimed homeless and the two married then. The girl waved three hundred pieces of brocade each month for money and finally set her husband free. As they paid up and went home the couple walked by the locust tree, under which they first met. The girl confided that she was the daughter of the God and she was ordered to help him. Finishing saying this she flew away. From then on locust tree was named piety. |
出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
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