出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 82*60*8cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 二十四孝图 | |
作品描述 | 五、芦衣顺母闵损,字子骞,春秋时期鲁国人,孔子的弟子,在孔门中以德行与颜渊并称。孔子曾赞扬他说:“孝哉,闵子骞!”(《论语•先进》)。他生母早死,父亲娶了后妻,又生了两个儿子。继母经常虐待他,冬天,两个弟弟穿着用棉花做的冬衣,却给他穿用芦花做的“棉衣”。一天,父亲出门,闵损牵车时因寒冷打颤,将绳子掉落地上,遭到父亲的斥责和鞭打,芦花随着打破的衣缝飞了出来,父亲方知闵损受到虐待。父亲返回家,要休逐后妻。闵损跪求父亲饶恕继母,说:“留下母亲只是我一个人受冷,休了母亲三个孩子都要挨冻。”父亲十分感动,就依了他。继母听说,悔恨知错,从此对待他如亲子。A Person in Reed Catkins Reclaimed His StepmotherMin Sun, born in Chunqiu Period, is one of Confucius’s student and famous for his virtue alone with Yan Yuan. Confucius once said: Min Sun is the role model of piety (from “Xian Jin of The Analects”). His mother died early. His father married again and had two more sons. But the stepmother abused him. She made cotton coat for her own boys but made coat filled with reed catkins for Min. One day his father and he went out. On account of coldness Min shivered and dropped the rope of carriage. His father whipped him out of fury and the coat ripped. The reed catkins inside were exposed. His father then knew the abuse and headed back home. He wanted to divorce with the bitter wife. Min kneeled down and asked for forgiveness of his stepmother. He said: now only I suffer. But if my stepmother is abandoned three sons will suffer. His father was moved and accepted his plea. His stepmother knew this later and regretted for what she had done. Thereafter she treated Min like her own children. |
出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
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