出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 82*60*8cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 二十四孝图 | |
作品描述 | 七、戏彩娱亲老莱子,春秋时期楚国隐士,为躲避世乱,自耕于蒙山南麓。他孝顺父母,尽拣美味供奉双亲,70岁尚不言老,常穿着五色彩衣,手持拨浪鼓如小孩子般戏耍,以博父母开怀。一次为双亲送水,进屋时跌了一跤,他怕父母伤心,索性躺在地上学小孩子哭,二老大笑。Playing in Colorful Clothes to Entertain the ParentsLao Laizi was a hermit in Chunqiu Dynasty. He worked as a farmer in the southern part of a hill called Meng to avoid wars. He always prepared the most delicate cuisines for his parents. Though he was a 70-year-old man, Lao refused to admit his old age. He wore colorful clothes and held rattle-drum, acting like a child so that his parents could be amused. Once he stumbled and fell down on the floor as he brought water for the parents. In fear of causing their sadness Lao sat on the floor and cried like a child, which made his parents laugh. |
出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
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