出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 82*60*8cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 二十四孝图 | |
作品描述 | 十一、怀橘遗亲陆绩,三国时期吴国吴县华亭(今上海市松江)人,科学家。六岁时,随父亲陆康到九江谒见袁术,袁术拿出橘子招待,陆绩往怀里藏了两个橘子。临行时,橘子滚落地上,袁术嘲笑道:“陆郎来我家做客,走的时候还要怀藏主人的橘子吗?”陆绩回答说:“母亲喜欢吃橘子,我想拿回去送给母亲尝尝。”袁术见他小小年纪就懂得孝顺母亲,十分惊奇。陆绩成年后,博学多识,通晓天文,历算,曾作《浑天图》,注《易经》,撰写《太玄经注》。Oranges Hidden in the Arms for the MotherLu Ji was a scientist born in Three Kingdom Period in Huating County (now Shanghai). He followed his father Lu Kang to visited Yuan Shu at the age of six. Yuan brought out tangerine as dessert. Lu Ji secretly hid two in his clothes. But the tangerines dropped out of clothes and fell down as he and his father were to leave. Yuan teased: you want to take some after having tangerine in my house? Lu Ji answered: my mother loves tangerine, so I wish to take some home for her. Yuan was surprised by his piety at his young age. When he grew up Lu Ji used his encyclopaedic knowledge of astronomy and mathematics to write “Map of the Heaven”, “Commentary on Yi” and “Commentary on Tai Xuan”. |
出生年份: 年
擅 长: 工艺美术家
毕业院校: 其他学校
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